An amazing invention - This drone will change everything

An amazing invention - This drone will change everything

this is a very drone system

quiet that can deliver a package

from the sky to my backyard in

Only two minutes with the precision of

a few centimeters and as for me

regards that is basically

teleport is the future very

close to the deliveries work of a

company called zipline spent more than one

decade since we were promised a

delivery of drones of this type and for

to be honest I am not enthusiastic because

I imagined that someone wanted something

so big and loud with propellers that

spin dangerously fast landing

about his house and it was very tedious

Because with the number of people using

Amazon or food delivery people like

doordash or instacard each year they

billions of deliveries to

address but when your food weighs

a few grams transport it in vehicles


of two tons propelled by

gasoline is inefficient bad for the

planet and not to mention very slow

using drones would not only eliminate many

cars from the roads but it would be

much faster would be totally

electric and autonomous and each delivery

it would be cheaper and with zipline like

the drone that lowers the package can

move laterally you can perform a

highly accurate landing even with

strong winds while the drone

main remains 120 meters from

height making everything very


It is very quiet all thanks to the

ingenious design of these elites so

curious as everyone knows I only do some

10 videos a year and although most are

just ridiculous

I like to dedicate a video to Show How

smart people use

engineering to improve the world and

clarifying the company that I mention today no

sponsor this in no way am I

really impressed by the work

what are they doing and how are they doing it

doing we will return shortly to how

deliveries using these

short range drones in a city

but a question arises if you can

work there why not use

bigger drones to cover

greater distances and deliver

medical supplies to countries with many

remote villages Well it turns out that

catapult life-saving blood by

the skies is what they have been doing more

six years old and that's why we have to

head to Rwanda to understand where

all this started and after arriving We

we meet the process while the

drones were sticking wow

And they landed that is, another lands every

90 seconds come from everywhere and

as a newcomer it seemed chaotic to me

but if you are going to accumulate 40 million

miles on drone flights

your equipment must work with the

efficiency of Formula 1 Bots

I'll give you a crash course on how

it works everything starts with an order

a doctor from a hospital for example a

urgent blood supply once

packaging is placed inside the drone

then everything is placed in the launcher in

that moment they place the rooms fix the

battery followed by nose cone

after verifying security they launch

the drone in less than 90 seconds after the

request the catacolta launcher carries

the drone from 0 to 105 kilometers per hour

in a third of a second it is literally

less time than it takes to blink

It's a very clever design because

means the drone starts

immediately at your cruising speed

much less energy to stay on

the air once in the air at 110

kilometers per hour goes to the

hospital and upon arrival open the hatch

to drop the package that lands

safe and sound with a parachute

Once the mission is completed, navigate

Autonomous return home from a

distance of up to 240 kilometers round trip

back inspired by an aircraft carrier a

As the drone approaches the GPS of

military grade conveys your position with

a precision of one centimeter so you are

two Rooks know when to turn

we take things to the super real world

I quickly understand and we learned by serving

real people and you learn a lot when

you are not in the lab or in the field

and before we find out

silent as these things are alone

I want to repeat that all the best

engineers I have met have had

that same level of humility knowing that

there is no better way to learn than

trying and breaking things that's why i called

Crunch labs to the toy company that

I founded with the express objective of teaching

children to think like engineers

because things are supposed to creak

break and fail along the way and if

I get them to do more than watch

passively a video building something

with me while we talk about physics

of what is happening I know that the

Principles will run deep So if

you want to have fun while you develop

the resistance of your brain as a

muscle you have to go to or go to

link in description to answer

to my first question about the level of

noise I'll show you my real reaction the

first time i heard it i mean

i hear something

I can't believe that's flying

It has to be a joke I wish there was

a better way to stream it on video

but this is my best try first

you will hear a leaf blower a typical

amateur drone that weighs half a kilo AND

then the drone that weighs 23 kilos And for

Of course I have maintained the levels of

audio completely intact for the


that's very quiet very quiet

that cow is much louder

that that drone I bet that microphone

recorded that cow and the proof was

incredibly amazing to me

because I assumed that the weight of a

load would exactly determine the noise

what the propellers would do to keep it

in the air but it turns out that this is not

true. Even if we look at the

nature pigeons For example

they sound like that

with Los Búhos there is an evolutionary pressure

to be as quiet as possible and

as a result your flight sounds like this

so to crack the code

saveline turned to nature

hummingbird sound has the worst

cases are small and very quiet

they just flutter there barely

You hear that corner is another founder of

this company and for the fans of the

robotics he invented Ross who is the

open source software used by

anyone who wants to build something

robotic to try to visualize the

secret of the silent propellers of him in this

graph the area under the curve could

represent the energy of one of those

annoying drones from fans where

the nearest of these peaks is the high

frequency that does nothing but annoy

to the ears So after studying

the hummingbird and design looking rotors

really wild like this simple

figured out how to take those spikes and

flatten them out so even though the extra weight

represents more energy or area under

curve get rid of all spikes

means that it is much more than a sound

constant hissing is more like a Noise

White that your brain doesn't register

use the same approach of propellers

silent for their long drones

reach this doctor friend with a treat

flawless on YouTube content

I would like to say hello now you will be in my


Have you seen the drones fly over and

deliver the supplies here not yet

I have seen none come to deposit

something here is amazing there were 15 installments

in the last hour they are very quiet yes

I would have heard it I would have gone you know to

see it as to my second question

about security just like when

something is sent to Mars all its systems

critics have backups A

board in engineering we call it

redundancy and showed us that if a

propeller stopped working could continue

flying thanks to the large rear propeller

who handles the cargo and that elite

back It's smart because it's what

propels the drone forward but

then rotate 90 degrees downward to

help steer and create lift

extra while stationary dropping

to the drone in addition to redundancy a

full aircraft parachute

automatically deploy if detected

any problem or if the drone loses

full power and thanks to its

meticulous engineering efforts

emphasize that the six years that they have been in

operation with that half million

flights have had exactly zero

incidents that have caused injuries and

my third question about how they load

drones in the simplest case something

like a grocery store might

reserve one of the places

parking as a loading area or as

This engineer told me you can go to one

your local pharmacy window AND

turn it into this portal So the

droid would go down the parachute some

items like these would be uploaded within

then go back up the parachute

to the drone and leaves for delivery to

health effects if you were very

sick and you will make a video call from

15 minutes with your doctor for when the

call finish meds

they could be on the porch of your house

we could also imagine how

would this work in a hub

distribution or in a large store more

90% of the US population

lives within 10 miles of a

great store and drones can do

comfortably a round trip

carrying up to four kilos another advantage

for the planet is that it is not necessary

use carton to pack it because not

has to be transported in a large

truck but this is not just for the

big shops

favorite restaurant can afford

easily send something to your door

at a much lower cost than

a person who drives a car

ton to leave it and as soon as

later this year clients like

Sweet Green will start delivering

salads directly in your garden and

no packages left on porches

It's the worst news you've ever received.

Porch Pirates community from the

invention of anti-pirate bomb

all good ok we

we understood So if your mind is not

Surprised Let me try one last time

time planting a seed for something that

we could see much farther in the

future and to be clear This is not

It's not at all just an idea that I don't know

It goes to my head after seeing everything

this because It is logical that if the system

may work for packages

should be able to work for humans

no In other words imagine one more drone

big let's say it's an ambulance with

more powerful propellers but just as

silent parked so high in the

sky that is barely seen then come down

the whole cabin with the droid that could

landing quietly in the driveway

from your house so you get on or get on

on land then lifts you up so you can

hover above the roads and

traffic directly to your destination

to let you fall safely from the

same way very well finally I want

end with the coolest part of all

this by far all the time

we were there the kids line up in

the fence to see the planes

manned launch and capture one and

again in fact a child was o

expressly to teach Abdul what

that he had built all by himself

and at that moment it was impossible not

compare the complexity of this

build with the simple version of

milk carton that Abdul grew

doing because here we have Abdul who

He has a scar on his head

same machete that killed his entire family

when he was a child Not only using his

engineering knowledge to save

the lives of his people but what is

most important to inspire the

next generation of solvers

problems to dream even bigger is the

kind of things that leave you feeling a

little of this contagious optimism

Rwandan for the future and the incredible

potential of us human beings

please subscribe in the future your

box of Crunch labs could fall out of the

heaven and best of abdul story

is that using the superpower of the

engineering have literally created something

who is now saving lives

And as it says on the box my goal with

Crunch labs is to help you think like a

engineer that means you know how to think

critically and divide a problem

in manageable steps think like a

engineer makes you a better gamer

football pianist or student of

math because you are resilient And to the

like Abdul the importance of

insist to achieve that great and

important advance

it works like this every month a

very funny toy in a box like

this and when you open it there is a link to

a video in which you don't just build it

with me but I teach you all the

physical principles behind

how it works and best of all is that

each month we randomly select a box

to enter a platinum ticket And if

Turns out to be your box omg you won


you will come here to Crunch labs to design

with me and my team for a day yes

Do you want to unlock the super power of

learn and create and build any

anything you can dream of use the link of

the description

and request your subscription to billbots Thank you

to see us

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