▷ In Spain, where it is allowed to fly drones

If you just bought a drone or you have in mind to do it, you're probably thinking about this. Especially because the penalties can reach 225,000 euros, a significant amount so that at least you take a look at the regulations.

Until the publication of the Royal Decree in December 2017, the places where you could fly your multicopter were practically limited to rural areas, now the possibilities are extended especially if you use it for professional purposes.

What can we do with our drone

In general, what the new RD indicates is that you have to fly them away from buildings and people, by day and with weather conditions that do not reduce visibility. You can not lose sight of it while you fly, you must keep it at a safe distance from possible obstacles, giving priority to other aircraft and without exceeding 120 m in height. Neither can they be used in controlled airspaces and not less than 8km from airports or aerodromes. 

If you do night flights with your drone then you should know that you can only do it if it weighs less than 2kg and that the maximum height is reduced to 50m. In case you wear FPV glasses you can not take it far beyond your visual range and you should go with someone who has visual contact with the aircraft and with you.

Regulations for recreational flights

This new Royal Decree 1036/2017, which regulates the civilian use of RPAS, offers two legal frameworks depending on the use that is given to the multicopter; 

if it is for recreational use, without commercial purposes, its limitations will depend on its weight, if your new drone weighs less than 250g, like all our small or medium sized initiation drones, you can fly it practically anywhere except in the areas of restricted flight and near airports, as long as you do not exceed 20 meters in height and do not bother third parties.

But if your drone exceeds this weight, without reaching 2kg, almost all fall into this category, you have to go to parks or unpopulated areas to use it, since you can not fly over people or buildings or exceed 50 meters in height.

RPAS professional use regulations

In case you are going to give it a professional use, with the title, insurance and the corresponding permits, you can use it practically in any situation and as long as you respect the data protection law, the right to privacy and take care not to put in danger or bother other people.

Sanctions for breach of this regulation on drones

We remind you of the importance of respecting these limitations, both for maintaining security and for avoiding penalties that range from 60 euros to 45,000 euros, in case of being minor. From 45,001 to 90,000 euros if they are serious. Up to 225,000 euros if the fault is very serious. And if we talk about professional RPAS the penalty can amount to € 4,500,000 if the infraction has been very serious.

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